Sandra Friedrich and Animal Forgiveness Coaching

By François G. Cellier

September 26, 2017 – The bond between animals and their masters does not always exist. How many animals are abandoned and euthanized each year when these two scenarios could have been prevented?

Abandonment may be due to a lack of attachment and a lack of knowledge of the animal’s emotional capacities (of a dog, a cat, a horse, just to name a few). In the Province of Québec, problems in finding rental apartments also explain the phenomena. Unfortunately, because of irresponsible pet owners, landlords who currently do not allow animals are not keen to waive the “no pets” policy.

Circle of Forgiveness

“Animals are highly intelligent conscious beings who are able to feel and think. Just like humans, they have a brain”, says Sandra Friedrich, AnthroPaNimaL (APNL) trainer, facilitator and coach, for whom healing of the heart is often achieved through animals. This is demonstrated in her many workshops; for example, Cercle du pardon au milieu des chevaux as well as Parcours AnthroPaNimaL.

With a degree in anthropology and a passion for bipeds and quadrupeds, she is also the author of a book currently being re-edited: Pour une société du lien avec l’animal : comment humains et animaux peuvent s’accomplir et être heureux ensemble. The book teaches us amazing things; for example, that pets are the “faithful and valuable observers of our inner movements”. It also raises our awareness on the many teachings unique to the animal-human bond, and reveals the power that lies within each of us. A second book on the same subject is under preparation.

Paradigm Shift

“The 20th Century transformed our way of being with animals. Around 70 years ago, several species entered our houses, for example, dogs who once lived outside on a farm”, exposes Sandra Friedrich. After years devoted to research and study on this matter, she came to the conclusion that the animal-human bond needs to be reinvented, because it has not changed much, she thinks.

Reinventing this bond would ensure that pets and masters are really happy. “Obviously, one of the two is not always happy at the present time in the Province”, believes Sandra Friedrich. We could change things by building a different type of relationship, so they can fully thrive together. For example, some masters have not developed a deep bond with their dogs. They only fulfill their dogs basic needs, while another fundamental dimension is being ignored.

The Mourning that Forgives

Bonding with an animal can take many forms. It is particularly reinforced through forgiveness. “I have repeatedly asked my dog Sapi for forgiveness before he died”, tells us Sandra Friedrich. At first glance, this behaviour may seem strange, yet the symbolism is crucial because it helps you in the process of mourning the loss of an animal. “I have done this especially for the mistakes I had made, with regard to his needs and his fears. I am convinced Sapi understood my intention”, she adds.

Throughout his 10 years of life, this dog taught her how to reach inside herself again. They were then able to live together in harmony. But above all, Sapi had a better life in an urban environment designed for humans. “Understanding an animal is understanding oneself”, concluded Sandra Friedrich.

You may also read this article in French.

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