Animal EMDR: For the Treatment of Emotional Disorders

Par François G. Cellier

May 31th, 2017 – Like human beings, animals can also suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as experience emotional distress. The Animal EMDR approach (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) has proven effective to counter the highly disabling psychological and behavioural effects of these disorders. And, good news, this technique recently became available in the Province of Québec.

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Your Cat Speaks to You

Votre chat vous parle (1)January 22, 2017 — Cats have a unique personality. Their preferences and aversions are not necessarily the same, although in communication, all have points in common. This dialogue between humans and felines, whether verbal or not, is made possible by a coexistence more than one hundred years old.

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Playing With your Cat: Watch your Hands

By Daniel Filion
Consultant in feline behavior at Éduchateur

jeux-de-mains-4-2October 27, 2016 – In my last column, I explained to Internet users how to play with their cat in three steps. That being said, if the cat has needs to play, you must identify the toys it prefers, but also know the limits that should not be crossed during a game session. In so doing, bites potentially severe will be avoided.

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A Close Call for my cat

mimi-fait-la-pause-2September 16th, 2016 – Dear visitors, readers and friends,

I recently lived an extremely intense emotional charge. My cat Mimi, who was afflicted by chronic kidney disease, began to go badly. She was becoming increasingly amorphous, listless and absent. She did not answer my calls, whereas usually, she showed up as soon as I uttered her name.

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