Reactivity on a Leash: What to Do?

Espace Chien 3By Amélie Bourdon
M.C.P. Specialist in canine behavior at Espace Chien
Member of the APDT Instructor and evaluator for the program « My Dog ​​HAS C.L.A.S.S. »

January 6, 2016 — Buddy is a lovable Labrador. However, it is reactive when on a leash. In such a situation and at the sight of a dog, the animal expresses a heartfelt aggression when in normal time, it has the reputation of being soft.

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The Benefits of Pet Therapy

Zoothérapie - Sylvie LamoureuxSylvie Lamoureux, Zootherapist member of the Association of Professional Naturopaths of Quebec (ANPQ)

Text written by François G. Cellier

January 7, 2016 – As of today, I join the Reality animal team to sign one-off chronicles. This is a golden opportunity that will allow me, as much as possible, to explain the nuances of and subtleties specific to pet therapy.

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A Baltic Life-Jacket for your Cat

CapitaineDecember 12, 2015 — Welfare of animals is refined continuously, more particularly that of dogs and cats. Day after day, the animal planet broadens its scope in their respect, thereby bringing about innovative solutions for their well-being.

Relevant evidence is Baltic, a Swedish company that makes life-jackets for humans and dogs. A few years ago, it decided to broaden its field of activity in order to satisfy another type of customers, cats.

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Quebec flies for Pilots N Paws Canada

Pilot N PawsApril 28 2015 — Like an angel from heaven, Jean-Sébastien Dominique flies to the aid of animals across the country. This 27 year old man’s extraordinary sense of duty is what motivates him to volunteer for Pilots N Paws Canada, whose main purpose is to avoid euthanasia for as many animals as possible.

Pilots N Paws Canada started in 2012 in British Columbia, and follows on the footsteps of a group from the US of the same name, who indulge in similar activities. Gini Green is a handler, a volunteer rescuer and is the founder of this organization here in Canada. She saves abandoned, sick, mistreated and homeless dogs in a full time capacity. Continue reading

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